Many of the people I work with are feeling stuck with unanswered questions and even beginning to doubt what they are feeling in their own body. Maybe you’ve already seen several other doctors but have been told your labs are all “normal” so you shouldn’t be feeling this way. Well, that's great but if you’re still having skin issues, digestive upset, fatigue, and other symptoms, something is off - and you are right to continue seeking answers.

Let’s Work Together

I use a holistic and personalized approach to healing, centered around optimizing overall well-being through a combination of functional lab testing, targeted lifestyle adjustments, dietary modifications, and strategic supplementation. Recognizing that each individual is unique, I am committed to uncovering the root causes of health concerns rather than merely addressing symptoms. 

Through advanced functional lab testing, we will reveal a comprehensive analysis of biomarkers, identify imbalances in the body, and recognize precise lifestyle changes and dietary modifications that support the body's natural healing mechanisms. In most cases, I will recommend high-quality supplements to complement the healing process. Ultimately, my naturopathic approach is designed to promote wellness transformations that are not only effective, but sustainable.

Dr. Lexie Taylor writing her schedule of appointments for the week in a notebook.

Services Offered

Order supplements through my Fullscript store.

Interested in Functional Lab testing?

Functional testing should be available to all and now it is! I always say "why guess when you can test?" These results will leave no stone unturned and help streamline your healing journey. It is highly recommended that you schedule a call to interpret and review testing. During this call I will also make recommendations and answer any questions you may have.

Some of the tests we offer to get your answers

    • IgG food sensitivity 

    • Fertility Testing

    • DUTCH hormone testing 

    • Heavy metal toxicity 

    • Gut Zoomer for parasitic infections

*States such as NY, NJ and RI might have issues ordering from the link below so if that is you, please reach out to me to find alternate ways of ordering.

You Deserve To Heal, And We Can Help